To every Impact-Startup that wants to Scale Up Fast

This 5-Step-Insider-Checklist shows you how to get investors who understand your vision, help you realize it, and turn your startup into a thriving business while making a real impact.

You'll be part of an exclusive email list and get my checklist for free. You can unsubscribe at any time.

To Every Impact-Startup That Wants To Scale Up Fast

This 5-Step-Insider-Checklist shows you how to get investors who understand your vision, help you realize it, and turn your startup into a thriving business while making a real impact.

You'll be part of an exclusive email list and get my checklist for free. You can unsubscribe at any time.

"When I want to close eight-figure deals, I call Ben."

Chinmoy Baruah

Founder of Cavendyne

Drastically increase your chances of getting your perfect match investor

The brutal truth in 2024:

The average VC fund reviews 1200 startups per year.

But only ten of those get an investment.

That’s 0.83%.

Why should any investor fund your startup?

Or even respond to your outreach at all?

They won’t, if you’re sending them cold emails that clog up their inbox.

If you want:

  • to 10x your chances of getting an investor - even without a network
  • dozens of warm intros to your perfect-match investors 
  • investors with the right connections in your industry who’ll get you new clients, pilot projects, access to tech and expertise
  • to cut down your fundraising time by 90% and free up more time to create your amazing product
  • to stop getting ghosted when you send out emails and DMs

Then download my free ebook in which you’ll discover:

  • what kinds of investors can bring you 100s of sales leads
  • how to filter out the ones that’ll shark you
  • how to find investors who love what you do

Get your free ebook now: