Mastermind For Impact-Driven Founders:

Build a waiting list of your perfect-match investors who are eager to fund you in less than 60 minutes per day with my Magnetic-Fundraising System

Julia raised €700,000 in her first funding round.

Although she only needed €500,000.

She even had to turn down investors because too many wanted to invest.

Pretty impressive, right?

When I interviewed Julia, she was in the process of getting her B2B sales rolling.


Through the almost 100 warm sales leads she got through her investors' network.

How did she attract these kinds of investors?

She used the biggest lever in fundraising.

Without it the door will be slammed in your face again and again like a hoover salesman.

I'll tell you which one that is in a moment.

The biggest fundraising lie successful startups tell you:

I recently watched a YouTube video of a founder who raised $1 million.

She explained:

It's a numbers game.

She contacted over 1,000 investors.

On Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter and Email.

After 8 months, she had closed her pre-seed round.

A classic American hustle story.

I honestly didn't know whether to feel anger or pity.

Anger because she teaches other founders this bullshit.

Many probably watch this video nodding their heads, give it a go and give up after the 50th rejection.

Pity because she didn't know any better and didn't have a mentor to help her.

Don't get me wrong:

Raising $1 million is impressive, no matter how she got it.


Of those 1,000 investors, maybe 50 were really relevant for her startup.

That means:

  • 950 messages she sent for nothing. 
  • Hundreds of hours wasted in unnecessary meetings.
  • Not to mention the endless swamp of rejection she had to wade through.

I don't even want to imagine how frustrating that must have been.


She couldn't take care of anything else.

Not of her product, sales, strategy, etc.

It was her full-time job.

And as a founder, time is as rare as a razor-sharp shot of Bigfoot during the day.

If you want to know how to cut your fundraising down to 60 minutes a day and get the same results, keep reading.

The biggest lever to fill your waiting list with investors who want to realise your mission with you

It's 1997.

The company is 3 months away from bankruptcy.

The only person who can pull it out of the dump?

Steve Jobs.

The man Apple kicked out of the company 12 years ago has to turn things around now.

How did he do it?

Steve realised that Apple had become boring during his 12-year absence and their customers had lost trust in the brand.

The company needed more than just great products.

As a result, Steve launched the ‘Think Different’ marketing campaign in 1997.

Targeting the rebels and outsiders, it repositioned Apple as innovative, cool and exciting again.

Why was this campaign so successful?

And saved the company from demise?

You can love or hate Steve.

But he understood one thing better than anyone else:

If you try to address everyone, you address no one.

In other words:

Your target audience determines your success or failure.

Even for a company like Apple.

I have applied this principle to fundraising.

Because it doesn't matter how many investors you talk to.

But which ones.

I call them ‘perfect-match investors’.

If you start focussing only on your perfect-match investors, you will experience 3 things:

The 3 effects of a successful funding round that only the top 1% experience

You see:

Working through a large list does not make your fundraising successful.

The quality of the list is the decisive factor.

What do I mean by that?

I mean people who believe in you and are therefore willing to overlook your weaknesses.

If you find these investors and gain their trust, you will experience 3 things:

Effect #1: faster investment

Investors who trust you are prepared to take a higher risk.

That means:

It's no longer about your finances or your strategy.

It's about a friend helping another to realise their mission.

Can you see the difference?

Effect #2: Better deals

Investors will fight to invest in your startup because you are their unicorn.

Not because they see a billion-dollar business in you, but because you understand each other on a human level and share the same goals.

As a result:

You can negotiate better terms.

Effect #3: Leveraged scaling

You get money from an investor.

From a perfect-match investor, you also get their resources, expertise and network.

Because they've been working in your industry for years or even decades.

This is the true leverage effect of an investor for your business.

What my clients say

"18 calls with perfect match investors in 6 weeks"

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When I started [this mastermind], I felt sort of alone and my concerns mainly were that I don’t meet the expectations of these financial guys. I had the feeling that I have to work on perfection on what I’m not good at.

Now I see, “Oh wow, there’s like thousands of impact investors and you just have to pick the right one and talk to them.”

We’re now ready for larger investments aside from the angels and smaller investors we have.

Christoph Schaaf

Founder of Climate Nuts

Rutvika accidentally landed a spontaneous pitch on stage + 3 meetings with the speakers

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As a very early-stage startup founder, I have so many things I’m working on and I focused on the things that felt a little bit more urgent.But the thing is, building relationships with investors takes time. Your course has helped me to stop procrastinating and start right now with a clear step-by-step roadmap.

Now that I’ve done it a few times, it feels kind of logical and easy but when you have never done it before it’s not as obvious.

Kseniya Dockhorn


I was feeling quite uncertain and not very confident on the topic of fundraising. I felt lost about where to start and what to do.

There was a lot of confusion on how to best present our company.

I was starting to talk to investors but not with a real strategy. Still, I’m working on it but before it was not as good.

Felipe Hernandez

CEO and Co-Founder of Hexagro

I'll be with you every step of the way

The frustration of receiving rejection after rejection is hard to put into words.

But I know that giving up is not an option for you.

If you don't implement your solution, no one will.

And simply burying your legacy is not acceptable.

That's why my mastermind won't be me talking and you listening.

We will execute together.

At no point will I leave you on your own.

That's also the reason why I can only take a maximum of 6 participants per mastermind.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to help you to the scale you need and deserve.

Who is the Magnetic Fundraising Mastermind for?

  • Only for early-stage impact start-ups - no exceptions.
  • If you don't have a network yet and want to build one fast.
  • If you have a network, but the investors don’t feel like a good match.
  • If you've been invited to meetings but keep getting rejected and don't know why.
  • If you've already received offers, but the conditions are more of a slaughter than a fair deal.

Who is it not for?

  • If you DON'T have a team - my mastermind can still help you, but your chances of getting an investment drop drastically without a team, especially in the early stages. You should take care of that first.
  • If you are looking for a matching service.

What this is not about:

This is not about your business plan, your strategy or anything ‘technical’.


Every investor knows that these can change 100 times over.

That's why your numbers and strategies are only secondary when it comes to fundraising.

So, what is important?

Your job is to dispel any doubts in the investor's mind.

Because with every word you say, they ask themselves:

  • ‘Do I trust the founder to recognise problems that will come their way?’
  • ‘How will they react to these problems without harming the company and its growth potential?’

They need to trust you as a person.

And it's your job to establish this kind of connection with the investor.

How I help impact founders overcome the mental bouncers in the investor's head

Thank you so much, Ben. I have to say these weeks have been of great growth and you have been an amazing support.

I really enjoy working together with you and this group. I can see that you’re very interested in supporting us and making an impact with your work.

I really admire that.

Felipe Hernandez

CEO and Co-Founder of Hexagro

I am neither a former startup founder nor an investor.

If that's the deciding factor for you, then I'm the wrong person.

But I've got an advantage.

I've been a communication and negotiation coach for almost 20 years.

In other words, I help my clients:

  • Identify the mental bouncers of their counterparts,
  • overcome them,
  • and turn them into win-win deals.

You can't do this with facts and figures.

But by building a deep emotional connection.

Especially when a lot of money is at stake.

Here's an example:

I recently accepted a startup into my 1:1 coaching programme.

  • The startup has signed contracts in the 3-digit million range.
  • They are looking for an investor to quickly build a factory,
  • in order to increase the profit from the contracts from 5% to 20%.

Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

I joined their first pitch to identify their weak spots.

In short, they f*cked it up hard.

On a human level.

The investor messaged me privately afterwards: ‘I'm sorry, but it's not an investment case for us at the moment.’


You see:

Trust is the most powerful weapon in the business world.

Let's summarise exactly what you get:

Part 1 - How to find investors who will provide you with their resources, networks and expertise - and help you skip 10 levels

  • The 5 questions to write a clear mission that touches emotionally and how to quickly find investors who share it with you.
  • The 11-point checklist to clearly define your perfect-match investor who wants to realise your vision with you.
  • My secret Google trick to uncover the mindset of investors and find those who are really interested in you and your product.
  • The one thing that immediately disqualifies an investor. If you overlook it, it could even hurt your startup.
  • The gold nugget method: the fastest way to get into investor meetings.
  • How to find the real experts with experience in your industry - and filter out the ones who just pretend to be.
  • How to filter out 98% of the sharks before your first meeting and how to expose the remaining 2% with 3 simple questions.
  • How to write cold outreach emails that get read from start to finish and lead to an meeting.
  • How to use my 3-punch system to increase the response rate to your outreach emails to 50% and get a response within days - massively speeding up the funding process.
  • The optimal hour to send your emails to get more responses.
  • Why you should NEVER send your pitch deck before your first meeting - and what you should do instead to make them hungry for more.
  • The most psychologically powerful trick to create investor FOMO.
  • The 60-minute fundraising routine that allows you to fill your calendar with investor meetings and still take care of your core business.

Part 2: How to overcome the mental bouncers of investors and build deep trust

  • The simple technique to build trust from the first second that almost no founder uses.
  • How to stand out from all other pitching startups like a watermelon among peas with a simple but powerful negotiation skill.
  • Mistake #1 how founders destroy their reputation in just one conversation - but can lead to hot intros if you use it right.
  • The 3 essential steps to getting honest feedback and how to use it to deepen the relationship.
  • How to deal with arrogant investors who can be real bastards - without compromising the relationship.
  • How to excite investors with your weaknesses instead of alienating them.
  • How to use the mentoring method to identify the risks the investor is most afraid of and immediately eliminate them from their mind.

Part 3 - How to make an irresistible offer

  • How to turn your complex offer into a clear and exciting story that grabs the investor and won't let go.
  • How to communicate clearly in your first meeting without waffling and have the investor nodding his head in agreement with every word.
  • In 8 steps to the finished teaser pitch deck - condensed from the 50 most successful decks (incl. template, simply fill in and you're done).
  • The 5 elements of a clear elevator pitch that decide whether the investor invites you for a coffee or turns round and leaves.

Bonus #1: I will prepare you tough as nails for your first 5 investor meetings (worth €750)

I'll prepare you so hard for your meetings that you'll have no choice but to make an impression like a baseball bat on a watermelon.

I will prepare you in five 1:1 sessions for five investor meetings with my system.

Bonus #2: How to get from 5 to 25 meetings with your perfect-match investors (worth €900)

I won't leave you alone after the mastermind has ended.

We'll have zoom calls every week for 4 weeks after that, where you'll get practical solutions to the obstacles you'll encounter in your meetings.

These will be group coaching sessions where we will discuss and solve the obstacles of 2 participants at a time so that everyone can learn from them.

Bonus #3: turning your investment contract into the best deal possible (value €300)

You’ve got contract talks with an investor and want to get most out of the deal?

You don’t want to give away more equity than necessary?

And don’t want to be handcuffed by a tight contract?

I’m going to coach you to make this the best deal you ever got without sacrificing the relationship with the investor.

Bonus #4: making your LinkedIn profile Investor ready (value €99)

Believe it or not:

Investors look at founders’ LinkedIn profiles A LOT.

It’s the true first impression that could decide whether they want to meet with you or not.

You have to nail this one hard.

We’re going to have a deep dive into your personal LinkedIn profile and optimize it for investors.

Bonus #5: The 30 most important questions you need to be able to answer instinctively + templates and examples (worth €77)

There are questions that investors ask again and again.

The tricky part?

You have to be able to answer them quickly and without waffling.

Otherwise they will disappear faster than a laptop of corrupt politicians.

That's why you don't only get the 30 questions, but also a template for each question so that you can formulate your answer briefly and concisely.

Bonus #6: We’ll turn your complex product into a simple and clear Story together (value €250)

Selling your idea through a story is like shooting at a goal without a goalkeeper.

Hard to miss.

So, in this bonus, I’m not only going to show my secret formula to write a story that sucks the investor in harder than a black hole.

We’ll craft YOUR story together.

You, me and a cup of coffee.

So that you know exactly what, how and when to say it when pitching.

Bonus #7: Winning teaser pitch deck (value €350)

Do you only hear crickets chirping when sending your teaser pitch deck?

Then you’ll love this bonus.

I’ve analyzed over 50 of the most successful teaser pitch decks out there and broke it down into an easy to repeat process to create your own.

Again: you’re not alone.

We’ll create this together on our second coffee.

Bonus #8: Professionally designed teaser deck (value €329)

The story and teaser pitch deck makes up 85% of your success.

A professional design?


But investors pay attention to it.

And I don’t want to leave anything to chance when it comes to your startup.

That’s why you’ll get a professionally designed teaser deck from my in-house designer, ready to go.

What 99% of all startups regret

I’ve spoken to many founders who’ve successfully fundraised.

And I ask them what they'd do differently if they had to start all over again.

Their answer, invariably:

"I should have started looking for investors much earlier. Long before I needed the money."


Smart investors don't want to jump into bed with you on the first date.

They want to get to know you first, build a relationship and then decide whether they want to marry you.

It's a deep, long-term commitment for both sides.

And building that kind of relationship takes time.

Time that you won't have when you urgently need money.

So, the question is:

Can you afford to NOT start building your network now?

90-day results guarantee

After you’ve implemented all the steps in this Mastermind, you’ll have

  • a list of 20+ perfect-match investors,
  • scheduled at least 5 first meetings

If you don't get those results, even though you have implemented everything in the mastermind, I will work with you until you get them.

This guarantee is valid for 90 days after purchasing this mastermind.

One thing I can’t promise you

I cannot promise that you’ll get funding.

No-one can guarantee that, except one person.


If you execute.

When does the mastermind start and what's my time commitment?

Quick and dirty:

  • The mastermind will start on October 15th.
  • In total, we will have 10 Zoom sessions.
  • On Tuesdays and Fridays for 5 weeks.
  • Each session will be 1.5 hours.

How much does the mastermind cost?

My 1:1 fundraising coaching starts at €25,000 (I'm currently full, so please don't enquire about that).

My mastermind is designed so that young start-ups can also afford it, which is why it only costs a fraction.

The Magnetic Fundraising Mastermind will launch in:

  3  7
  0  7
  1  1
  4  4

You missed out!

To apply for the next round, book a short 15-Minute call with me here:

Here's to getting you the best deals,


- Founder of